Per the INX-ZA management committee Terms of Reference, we will hold elections to elect new members to the INX management committee. This election will be in the form of an online-only election; and the results are expected to be announced during the INX-ZA October user meeting (5 Octobre 2023). Aspirants to the INXCOM are invited to speak for 3min on why they should be elected to the INXCOM during this time, if so desired.
As a reminder, the INX Committee is open to anyone from the community, and is not limited to geography, nor exclusively peering participants. The term period will be 20232024-2025.
Only networks that peer at an INX-ZA managed IX may vote, and voting is restricted to one vote per organisation (ASN). The voting period will be from 27 September 2022 21 March 2024 12h00 UTC until 5 October 2023 4 April 2024 13h00 UTC* (15h00 local time)